Under current arrangements, Media and Journalism student labs in the Division may be available to students enrolled in some subjects during teaching weeks from 8am to 10 pm, Monday to Thursday, and from 8 am to 6.30 pm Fridays. Prior approval to work in labs after 6pm must be obtained, and a list of student names and numbers is faxed to security before 4pm each day. This arrangement relies on Security supporting the arrangements by unlocking and locking labs as required.
On 20 May 2003, students using the NewsBoss lab delaying security for 15 minutes by refusing to leave the room at 10.15 pm. Security has informed us that it will withdraw the service of opening and locking the rooms after hours if this happens again (this is not the first time this sort of thing has happened). The Division does not have the resources to offer this service after hours, and without the support of Security we will be forced to restrict the hours of access to these labs to 9 am to 5 pm.