The TSU and now the CRC often receive requests from students and staff to borrow the equipment the Division has purchased to service the needs of the Media, Journalism and Education subjects requiring students have access to such equipment. This equipment is normally only available for loan to students for the purposes of completing assessments in subjects where the Media Facilities Users Group (MFUG) has agreed that the equipment will be available. Divisional staff and students may be able to borrow equipment for University business or for assessable work if students in approved subjects do not require the equipment.
Equipment, resources and facilities are not available to staff or students outside the Division.
Postgraduate students should negotiate their resource requirements, including access to media equipment and facilities, IT facilities, and TSU staff, with the Division before the Division takes them on as students. The Manager, TSU, needs to agree to provide Divisional media equipment and facilities, IT facilities, and access to TSU staff beyond the usual desktop equipment, applications and support.
Of course, requirements change over time, and it is entirely appropriate for the Division to reconsider a postgraduate student's resource requirements during their course.