The Divisional IT & Infrastructure Committee gave its initial assessment of bids received from the Division for expenditure from an IT Loan account for 2004. A updated list with ratings will be distributed at the Executive meeting on Friday.
Major features of the bids so far recommended by the IT & Infrastructure Committee include:
- Upgrade to the ICT in Education student lab to replace failing PCs, and to the teaching lab to allow presentations to be streamed over the Internet;
- Upgrade to the New Media Lab to bring it more into line with current technologies;
- Server Upgrades for the Division to ensure higher reliability of the Division's network services;
- Some production equipment upgrades to ensure compliance with OH&S requirements;
- Additional data projectors in some of the Division's teaching spaces; and
- A new photocopier to replace the Océ in Building 1.
IT & Infrastructure Committee will finalise a recommendation to the Executive at the Committee’s next meeting in early November.