30 September 2003

Representatives on the IT and Infrastructure Committee

Representation on the Division’s IT and Infrastructure Committee is important to ensure all Schools get to have a say in the Division’s allocation of its limited resources for equipment and infrastructure.

The IT and Infrastructure Committee reports to Executive on issues relating to the Division's IT needs and infrastructure requirements, and makes recommendations to the Executive on priorities for IT spending.

It has been difficult to find a time for all the representatives on the Committee to attend its monthly meetings. The Acting Chair of the Committee is concerned that the lack of representation on the committee may lead people in the Division to feel that not all voices are being given the opportunity to be heard. The Secretary of the Committee has recently tried to find a time where all current representatives can attend, but it appears there is no common time available.

Schools should seek to ensure their representatives can attend the meetings (currently held at 3pm on the second Wednesday of each month) so that each School can be involved in the process.