The University has entered into a two-year Agreement with Macromedia to site license Macromedia applications on every computer the University owns, rents or leases.
The Agreement covers Dreamweaver UltraDev, Fireworks, Flash, Freehand, Director Studio and Authorware. Except for Authorware, which runs only on the PC, both Macintosh and PC versions of the software are available.
The software can only be used for educational purposes. Staff or students involved in commercial activities must purchase full copies of any applications they use for consultancies or to fulfil non-educational contracts. We have the option of granting limited Work at Home Use Rights to faculty and staff members. These rights permit the use of the Macromedia products on a personally owned computer for University work-related purposes only. Contact the helpdesk for further information.
TSU will install the applications in labs and staff machines as time and resources allow. Staff who have an urgent need for any of the applications should email the comedu HelpDesk with their request.